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Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the problem of developing tests for predicting escapes of convicts, suspects and accused from pre-trial detention centers, prisons and correctional institutions, as well as the algorithm of their implementation in the automated workplace of a penitentiary psychologist. In the overall picture of penitentiary crime, the problem of escapes of convicts, suspects and accused is actual and important. The analysis of literary sources shows that in case of escapes prediction, it is necessary to consider not only criminal, but also social, biological and psychological features of convict’s personality. The psychological determinants of convicts’ escape activity include: emotional instability, conformity, increased anxiety, aggressiveness, rigidity of thinking, pessimism, suspicion, difficult process of adaptation to the conditions of serving punishment; low level of intelligence, presence of negative mental states, expressed motivation to evade serving punishment, an irresistible desire to be free, a desire to protect themselves from physical or psychological impact, active illegal activity in criminal communities. However, identification of the above qualities in convicts, suspects and accused does not allow calculating the probability of their escapes qualitatively. In order to develop psychodiagnostic tools to predict the convicts’, suspects’ and accused persons’ escape probability in terms of predictive validity, the use of “empirical-inductive” strategy of test construction is more effective. As part of this strategy, the scales of escape prediction of convicts, suspects and accused persons in the automated workplace of a penitentiary psychologist, using the psychodiagnostic system “Psychometric Expert”, were implemented. Two scales “Escape 365” and “Escape 90” were added to the method of accentuation research (G. Smishek, K. Leongard). In the method “Comprehensive study of the personality of a convict” – CSPC (E. A. Chebalova) scale “Escape 540” was added. In the method “Abbreviated multifactorial questionnaire for personality research” − Mini-mult (V. P. Zaytsev) scales “Escape 365” and “Escape 180” were added. The analysis of the practice of using predicting scales, implemented in the automated workplace of a penitentiary psychologist, shows that they are additional tools for escapes prevention.

escape, convicts, automated workplace of penitentiary psychologist, prediction, tests.
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