Theoretical analysis of approaches to the study of I-concept in the context of convicts’ correction
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The relevance of the problem considered in the article is due to the need for effective implementation of convicts’ correction, the formation of their readiness to lead a law-abiding lifestyle after release, as well as a set of mental properties that determine the subjective need for lawful behavior in the main spheres of life. These goals can be achieved through the implementation of psychological support for correctional work with convicts. Psychological analysis of the reasons for committing crimes, current trends, scope and specifics of psychological work with persons serving sentences in correctional institutions requires studying the features of their "I-concept". The theoretical studies of the concept of "I-concept" in psychological science are analyzed, approaches to the relationship of I-concept with the concepts of "self-consciousness", "I-image", "self-esteem", "self-knowledge" are considered in the article. The author's definition of the concept of "I-concept" is presented: this is a complex holistic model in the relationship of all its structural elements in the context of their meaning and role to explain the significant psychological processes that occur with convicts at various stages of serving a sentence, and to determine the directions of an adequate differentiated psychocorrectional impact on convicts who have committed various crimes.

research, I-concept, self-consciousness, I-image, self-relation, self-knowledge
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