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Abstract (English):
The article constructively examines the activities of penitentiary institutions of leading foreign countries to ensure penitentiary security, taking into account the possibility of its use in domestic practice. The general characteristic of the modern Penal system of Russia is given, the main stages of its reform are noted, the political line of humanization of the Penal sphere while ensuring security for society, citizens and the state is pointed out. The internal and external aspects of penitentiary security, their organic interrelation and its integral and complex character are noted. On the basis of comparative legal method, in combination with other methods of scientific knowledge, the foreign experience of ensuring security of penitentiary institutions by differentiating convicts and conditions of serving sentences, as well as taking into account the wide use of advanced technical means of control and supervision in the process of penitentiary activity, is considered. As a result of generalization of foreign experience and its comparison with domestic practice, the existing problems of legal regulation in terms of differentiation of convicts serving sentences with isolation from society, as well as in the use of technical means to ensure prison security, are identified, and amendments to the current Penal legislation are proposed. As a matter of discussion, taking into account the review of best foreign experience, issues relevant to domestic practice, concerning the peculiarities of ensuring prison security in emergency situations, the model of a private prison institution, and the development of forms of social control and supervision of persons released from prison institutions, are noted. In this regard, conclusions about the parameters of foreign experience use in domestic practice are formulated.

Penal system, penitentiary security, Russia, foreign experience.
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