Analysis of progressivity, normality and responsibility principles in the progressive system of serving criminal sentences in the form of imprisonment
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Ensuring the proper functioning of the progressive system of serving a criminal sentence in the form of deprivation of liberty is an urgent problem for the Republic of Moldova. The international recommendations in this area, as well as the practice of other states that apply the progressive system, in order to identify the most optimal solutions for its implementation are analyzed in the article. Special literature is studied, in which important studies is conducted on the role of sentences execution principles in achieving their goals. Recommendations for changing the existing regulatory framework are formulated. According to the results of the study, the author comes to the conclusion that although most of the principles reflected in the Penal Code of the Republic of Moldova are characteristic of a progressive system of serving sentences, their list is incomplete. International practice recognizes the important role of the principles of normality, responsibility and progressivity in a progressive system of serving a sentence of imprisonment. Therefore, in order to intensify the national correctional process and achieve more effective results in the execution of criminal penalties, it is necessary to expand the list of principles enshrined in the Penal Code of the Republic of Moldova and to create correctional mechanisms that correspond to their proper application.

penitentiary institutions, principles, progressivity, the principle of "throughcare", the principle of normality, risk assessment
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